Woman spins dog hair yarn
For artist Betty Burian Kirk of Illinois, the hair that pets shed is the bread and butter for keeping her business afloat. According to the Chicago Tribune, the weaver relies on it to create her handmade scarves and shawls, which she sells online. It may be surprising, but dog and cat hair — the same stuff you find on furniture, floors and clothing in pet-filled homes — can be spun into yarn, much like sheep’s wool, alpaca or other animal fiber. from: Best Tools for Handling Pet Hair
Wear Your Dog
Betty Burian Kirk – Local Artist Feature
Doggone Art: Lemont Woman Makes Yarn From Pets’ Hair
When memories of a pet just aren’t enough / Options widen to remember beloved animals in perpetuity
There was even a small article in the Wall Street Journal about me spinning dog hair yarn in 2011.